Mindy Chernoff, MA
Mindy Chernoff, MA, provides a novel and innovative approach to healing, partnering with horses at her Phoenixville, PA horse farm as a context for promoting self-esteem and a sense of competence with children and adults of diverse backgrounds. With over 54 years experience with horses and 30+ years in addiction recovery, she brings mindfulness into play with her clients, all the while interacting with horses and the peaceful environment. In her experience with both children and adults, she uses animals to foster personal growth and transformation. Within a safe environment, which she has called “The Resonant Horse,” together with the horse, she explores areas of resistance, fear, discomfort, love and acceptance. Mindy feels every life lesson can be learned in the barn.
Mindy’s primary goal is to build upon each individual’s positive traits, encouraging a sense of calm, contentment, and freedom to let go. Her sessions vary in length and focus, depending on the needs and desires of the client. Horses, in particular, evoke a strong sense of authenticity in those who interact with them, and in the horse’s environment a client is inclined to slow down, notice, feel and heal. By being in close proximity to horses, under the supervision of a trained mentor, stress levels often diminish. One typically experiences deep levels of inner awareness of his/her feelings and desires.
Mindy is a published writer and is the author of the upcoming book "From Muck to Magnificence, How Cleaning Horse Stalls Leads To An Astonishing Life". She has facilitated workshops for diverse audiences such as unwed teenage mothers, and with the Archdiocese of Wilmington. She has also presented workshops at Pendle Hill and at an International Conference in Chicago and Orlando. In addition to being a sought after speaker, Mindy offers Training workshops for Executive and Leadership Development. Her post graduate training includes E3A Practitioner, Eponaquest Apprentice, mindfulness training and Executive Leadership Training.
Mindy offers individual sessions at the farm, as well as family and group workshops and retreats.
No riding is involved, and no previous horse experience is necessary.
Watch this video, "What is the Resonant Horse", to learn more.
Who can benefit from sessions with “The Resonant Horse”?
- Children
- Adults
- Individuals with “special needs”
- Individuals with high stress and anxiety
- Clients suffering from trauma and abuse
- Individuals feeling "stuck" in their lives and/or relationships
When not attending to clients, Mindy can be found riding "Viton" her Pinto Congress two-time champion. In her spare time, she designs and creates jewelry. Her favorite reading topics are on spirituality, vulnerability, and neuroplasticity.
Click HERE for a wonderful interview of MIndy on the Where Soul Lives podcast
Click HERE for the Discover Your Talent Do What You Love podcast interview of Mindy
Click HERE for a recent podcast, another episode of the Jen & Mindy Show: “What is Your Twinkie Story?”
See Mindy's TedX Talk “How horses heal, transform, and empower”